Friday, October 10, 2008

What is Dining on a Dollar?

Food prices are up and will continue to increase, but food costs are still the number one area to save money on a household budget. Unfortunately, many people have used convenience foods for so long that they have forgotten how to cook good cheap food. This blog is about reviving forgotten recipes and techniques to greatly reduce the cost of everyday food.

Most Fast Food Restaurants offer "Dollar Menus" and have an assortment of things to buy for a buck or less, but they still make a profit! They make money on every purchase because the "Dollar" items actually cost around 15-25 cents to make. You can save a lot by simply preparing the same items at home, and that is just the beginning.

In coming posts, I will introduce cheap foods, cheap places to buy food, and cheap ways to use more expensive foods. The goal is to prepare meals that cost less than $1.00 per serving. The servings will be generous enough for adult men, yet lower in fat, cholesterol, and sodium than similar fare found elsewhere.

Real food is still really cheap, but many of us are so dependent on highly processed foods that our budgets have spun out of control. Planning menus and shopping lists can help a lot to lower food costs. If that hasn't worked for you in the past, then the ultimate way to plan is to use grocery delivery if it is available in your area. Another way to cut impulse spending is to shop at a different kind of store such as a restaurant supply that offers large packages of a limited number of products. There are less brand names to confuse you so you will tend to spend less overall on the products you do buy.

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